It used to be, not that long ago actually, that the only way to kill any traces of bacteria or to clean our houses effectively was through harsh chemicals. That's not the case anymore though. We no longer have to worry about what the aftermath is on the environment from harsh chemicals we use to clean the bathroom. After many years of research we can safely say that there are plenty of chemical free cleaning products available on the market that are not only safe but also extremely effective. This page is made possible by support from Crawling Cantina, Coffee Trailer as well as Das Parts, the best for Best VW Parts Online.

Whether you need a cleaning product to unclog the toilet in the bathroom or a weed killing product you can be secure in the knowledge that you can now buy such products without harming the environment. The list of chemical free cleaning products out there has pretty much everything covered.

There's chemical free toilet cleaning products, non-toxic car cleaners, chemical free furniture polishers, laundry detergent that's free of chemicals and chemical free dish detergent, just to name a few. You pick out what it is in your home that needs to be cleaned, varnished, or polished and there will be an environmentally friendly and chemically free version of it.

Instead of cleaning products being filled with hazardous ingredients such as acetone, aerosol propellants, ammonia, bleach, formaldehyde, morpholine or parabens most chemical free cleaning products are made with non-toxic ingredients that you can find in most households such as baking soda, salt, vegetable oil, vinegar, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide and soap.

As you can see from the non-toxic ingredients found in chemical free cleaning products it's really not that hard to clean your home without increasing the amount of pollution added to the environment and inside our homes. In fact, if you are savvy enough and can find the right recipe you can even make your own non-toxic cleaning products. Sometimes it doesn't take more than one household item to help you finish a certain chore. For instance, you can use white vinegar to cut grease or remove mildew and you can use baking soda to soften water or deodorize. It's important to remove mildew and check for mold regularly, as they can cause serious health problems. You should also have your house tested for Radon, a naturally occurring gas that is toxic to humans and can leak in through pipes, windows, and other areas of your home. If you're looking for a professional that does this type of testing and mold air quality testing, check out Blue Point Environmental, Clean Air Testing and AFGO

It's a nice feeling knowing that we no longer have to rely on cleaning products full of chemicals such as phosphoric acid, turpentine or sodium lauryl sulfate to clean our decks or kitchens. Instead we can make our own chemical free cleaning products or head down to the nearest home improvement store to buy less toxic cleaning product alternatives. There are many companies such as Natureclean who cater to the chemical free market so it shouldn't be much trouble to buy chemical free cleaning products for your home.

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